Julie gawendo
Director of Landscape Planning
Julie Gawendo is a landscape architect with 15 years experience creating resilient landscapes and urban spaces at a variety of scales, from temporary interventions to large urban parks. Julie's passion lies in the urban environment with a deep interest in the power of design as a catalyst for positive change. Guided by collaboration, community, and the inspiration of place, she is dedicated to evolving equitable spaces within the public realm. Prior to joining SITELAB, Julie was involved with the design, management, and development of the Governors Island Park and Public Space in NY, NY and Treasure Island Parks and Open Space in San Francisco, CA. Her other prominent projects include Meta headquarters in Menlo Park, CA, the University of California San Diego’s Triton Plaza and Austin’s South Central Waterfront.
As an advocate for equity in design, Julie is a leading voice in organizing and facilitating conversations promoting women in landscape architecture. Julie holds a Master of Landscape Architecture from the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University and a Bachelor of Science in Communication from Boston University.